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akA. XIAObianKING.[chingee]
akA. EMPEROR.[johnson's cell]
akA. GAYER.[felicia&karen]


How to make a Basil Osward
5 parts competetiveness
3 parts brilliance
5 parts energy
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com


ShoutMix chat widget

Friday, May 15, 2015. 10:55 AM .
A Poem For You .
I've read all the secret poems.

But I'm no longer affected

Cause my heart's secure

Like an illness I've contracted

My heart only beats for you

My heart is secure 

And it will always be

I don't know how to rhyme like you do

But I know you'll always have me

I love you :)

Monday, August 22, 2011. 12:09 AM .
A moment like non other
She sets my heart on fire
That's my sweetheart, Tingya:)
Freeeeeeeeeeeeeedooommmmmm looohhhh!!!
Gosh!! Where should i start!!! Like all my previous few post, i've been mentioning, it has been a hell of a long time since i last write something in the blog!!!
First up!! Guys!! I got to introduce you to my new pet:D
I'm so excited about it!! She loves eating insects, and i feed her ticks everyday.
I call her Vickie!
She's my new pet plant:) HAHAHAHAHAA!!
Bet you didn't guess that uh.
She's a lean, mean, green tick-eating-machine.
Yes yes i know, i got bored of the usual pet dogs, cats, fishes, tortoise, hamster, or whatsoever. So i decided to break the norm, and get something different from the rest. She is a venus flytrap, and she cost me 15 bucks. Damn ex for a pet that really does nothing much but to just eat. It really isn't as interactive as i expected:/ but i still love Vickie:)

Monday, January 03, 2011. 5:34 AM .
The Genting Team:D

Hi Guys!
I'm back from Genting Highland trip with my besties!
left there like on the 26th of dec and came back on the 30th before the year end.

Pretty bored, don't know what to blog. ching reminds me of pork.
omgosh. that rhymes. better than her aerosmith rhymes i bet.

So we finally reach genting on the 26, it was damn cold. it was 5am. and we had no place to stay. So...as usual. we started looking for food. Found old town coffee there. a 24hours cafe.

Can you believe that py actually pose for this picture. LOL!
Lex is for real, choosing food, oblivious to his surroundings. HAHA.

Did a few cam whore here and there. pretty funny. this pic above makes lex look like he have 2 daughters.

My saviour; a bowl of mee siam. heh.
Ate finish, walk around. enjoyed the cold air. And finally.time passed till it reach 7.30am. That is when the cable car open. Okay. Too many, you have no idea why we have to go down hill first, you'll see.
Group picture in the cable car.
Suddenly! Py started jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store and she started screeching out loud, "Cotton Wool!!!". Everyone got puzzled and look around for that "cotton wool" of hers in that rocky cable car ride.
Py cotton wool. Disbelief.
Cable car ride ended. Met my parents at the cable car station, and finally, down to Genting View resort. That is where we stayed, not up at the highland, but at the mids of it.

Homely feel uh?
There, we found this VIP room with a chair. and everyone started revielling their true self, with just a simple chair, we took turns to take picture sitting on it.
PeiYi (Princess Cotton Wool)

Li Xin

Basil (Myself)
Ching didn't get to take, we got chase out of the room by the time it was her turn. She was so sad. Soooo sad....
So we got back to our apartment, and my parents gave us our room. Our plan was simple, to leave this place ASAP for the theme park. But my parents gave me options. She offered me the car(My parents drove up while i took a coach down to genting). So i couldn't resist and said yes. So instead of going themepark. we drove along Gohtong Jaya. But first, before we could leave, we face a major obstacle. Waking Ching up. She and her endless "5 minutes luh"
"5 minutes luh."
Her "5 minutes"(according to her timing) were finally up. And we got up and drove along Gohtong jaya. We went to the...
...Strawberry Farm ...

...when by some flowers for sale...

...and even visited the mushroom farm.
Had some thai food from some thai origins, and ching was like really impressive with her thai language. She taught me some thai too.
Cop Kun Krup!
After that, we ended our day trip. When back to the resorts with plans for KTV and cycling after that. Well, change of plans when the driver is out in his dream land. LOL.
At night, we drove out back to Gohtong Jaya for dinner.
Lex and his tea pot.
Then went for a little foot reflexology. Lex was so impress with the massage, that he assured that guy he will be back the next day for more. All but Py did the massage.
The guys enjoyed it but Ching...

...oh my gosh. you don't wanna know.
Okay. that ended our first day. Next day, we woke up early. Went back to Gohtong Jaya again, eat some mega huge size pau and a bowl of prawn mee for breakfast.
Some delicious place that i shall not reviel to you. BLEAH!
After that, took the cable car up for the themepark. At first, Py was all excited all the clouds and when she saw it, you all can guess, don't need to say uh. hahaha. As it got higher, we started moving into the "cotton wool" and our visibility became really poor.
Crazy Frog without "r"
That is when we learn that such beautiful clouds that we admire so much turns out to be something we don't want in our trip. We weren't able to go for the outdoor themepark cuz the fog was so bad. We even played a little indoor themepark and watch some "turtle vision" which was a disaster. Half the day past, we gave up, and head out for KL.
Twin Towers
KL is a shopper paradise, so yeah. Ching and Li Xin was having a good time buying the entire shopping mall down, they were so engross that i got worried that they might even go buy down the two twin towers. Thank God lex made a promise to the foot reflexologist guy and said he would come back, that shorten their KL shopping trip as i was dying there.
Day 3 Outdoor themepark here we come!!!
Started out pretty gloomy, clouds were still there. Fog was still pretty bad. But that didnt stop us. Played like a billion things there.
Vikings, Just mad!

Guess who we met there?? LOUISA!! Nahh..just kidding.
that is Ching.

Okay. We had our fun times, and for real this time. GUESS WHO WE MET!?????
PASTORS from CHC!! Cool uh!

And our zone supervisor, WenLing!
Haha. bet you guys are jealous right?? Hahaa. wish you guys were in this trip with me right?? think i dunno. hahaha.
Okay. So here are some sick pictures took while cam whoring. We were queuing up for bumper boat. They had requirements to go in, height limit, and weight limit(something i didnt quite expect). Well...truth hurts, i nearly didnt make it in. i was borderline too heavy. PFFT. but the man reluctantly let me in. It was a long queue and we didnt quite wanna give up so easily, so we spent time cam whoring. First, with py...
.. Lian and Ah Beng..

..Puffy face..

..Stick out tongue(my tongue short lah)..

..Dimper shot..

..and good old smack in the face..
Pretty fun. So gay, but i dun care. Went to find Ching. and took more shots.
Warming up.

The box in my hands

Now in our hands

and "KaChing!!" A nice photo taken! :D
Okay. That ended our trip. hahaha. Finally uh. Actually, we did more than that, but dun like my blog post to be too long lah, later u cannot read finish. So finally, our last day, took some more pics b4 we left. and i cant believe lixin made me do this with him. HAHA.

"The kitchen is over there....."

And this picture will be a good reminder i perform for them
about the "FATS show" hahahaha. hope you like it. heh.
So we took a bus, and made our way back to singapore and that is the end of my blog post.

Thanks guys for making this trip possible.
Py: I can blackmail you. HAHAHA. cuz i know everything!
Ching: Thanks for sharing, it really did make long lasting smile inside me.
Lex: You snore real loud, haha. but that's fine. You still make a great friend to me.
To myself: i need to sleep now. GOOD NIGHT!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010. 3:04 AM .
1 year later!!!
here's finally an updated post

reply to tags.
k'ren: thanks for the blogskin, took me 1 year to finally start using my blog again. haha.
py: ya. but i've never really gotten to use it
trudy: kk. here goes nothing. woot!

-_replies end here_-

okay guys. this is my post no. 123 .
pretty nice number uh??

since i've just finish church camp, and that is the only recent updated stuff with pictures inside, i shall talk cork about it.

Ok. Mini-scaled church camp as East Coast Park. 2D1N
From team 7 aka: The Cookie Monster(BLUE).

That's my team flag. Pretty cool huh?

(Notice the hand of cookie monster, is has no fingers like xiao ding dang), thats cuz initially we were called doremon. so we kept on the legacy of xiao ding dang hands with us on our flag.

And this is my team consisting of: (front)Joyce, Melissa, Debbie, MeiJun, Adria, Jonathon
(back) Alicia. Joshua, Basil(Myself), Brandon, and ChinJie.
Okay. the team was bigger that that, i just cant recall who else were there. oops.

Yup! That's my team. And i'm like the oldest there. Haha. These guys made me feel so young when i hang out with them. I bet they think i'm 25 or something lah. okok. whatever.

My sleeping area. A nice comfy hammock. Others were sleeping in tents. This is our first camp that is outdoor. I think...

Really, if you ask me, i think the term, "My sleeping area" isn't really the right term to use. My hammock was a gathering point to everyone. People were fascinated by it and my hammock soon eventually became a prostitute. Sad uh. But it is okay lah, Next time, i'll be even more adventurous. Not just a hammock, will be coming along, but a few fishing lines and rods. woo!!!
You'll see that coming this december peeps. hahaha.

From left: Basil(Myself), Joyce, Felicia, Kerxin

Okay. This picture is pretty special. Initially we took this picture together cuz we're all wearing blue. But then i realise something. The 4 if us here in this picture are relatively new to each other(or at least to me lah). I kinda only knew them this year only. I guess that's what church camp is all about, making new friends, knowing your zone members more.=D

From left: Geraldine, Felicia, Basil(Myself), Karen.

Okay. What's with the twist!??? hahaha. so cute.

From left: ChinJie, and I

We're the 2 craziest dude when it came to ice-breaker for this camp. hahaa. like seriously. Bah...if i only i had the pictures of what we did for our ice-breaker, it is just plain hilarious. I'll update this post again once i receive those pics.

Serious signs of fatique

The camp lasted through the night all the way up till 4am in the morning. Wah...no joke uh. I was half way down the road to coma-ing can. Anyway, for those people who just knew me there, we've got a long way to go, keep in touch k:D

Monday, September 21, 2009. 8:50 AM .
there is something wrong with my stupid blogskin.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009. 2:48 PM .
Ignorant and naive a young soul may be
Made with purity for all to see

Happiness poured in and the soul redefines
Refreshing new moments to keep it alive

Sorrow flashed out the many months of joy
Weakens the young soul with a costly price

Moments of lies has taught it to seek truth
Telling the truth has taught it to finally keep lies
Referring to whom who choose to believe that i wrote it for.
The number-code of the first alphabet is you.
Reply to FANG!!!
GOSH!! Where have you been for the last 1000 years yo!?!?! Haha. my blog still remains the same eh? haha.

End of tags.

Nothing to blog yo. It's freaking 6am now. I have to sleep. NIGHT!

Saturday, May 30, 2009. 11:59 AM .
Sophistication has taught me to appreciate the simple
Interestingly simpleness does not seems exist when it is appreciated
Meaningless are all things to the simple that meets the sophisticated
Priceless they become when the sophisticated understands the simple
Losing simplicity is painful
Ending all sophistication is ridiculous

Reply to tags.
Ching: hello. yup. so paiseh. now wearing braces. haha. oops. beat karen in getting it first though. haha=P

Georginaaa: Hello!! yo! i miss you peeps yo!! do mine if i come back and visit you guys?! LOL.

py: :( that sounds like a really depressing lunch for me...

To my friend whom i least understand: I really don't know how much i can further comprehend this. Give me time.

End of my tags

My quick updates about me!!
Hey peeps.
I'm officially a qualified driver!! Heh heh...sounds awesome eh.? Sounds too good to be true for me too. Oh oh..i'm also an offical graduade of NYP with the cert of dip. in banking and financial services!! woot. Many happenings in the week haha. I do not know where to begin eh. haha. anyway..no pictures today.

Today is the day I see myself in a different light, and i realise one thing. I'm limited in capacity. My heart sank to the depths of my feet when i knew about it. That lead me to another realisation that my mind and my heart is now really far apart. my mind was in cloud nine and my heart was just smelling my toes. It was a really strange feeling, never felt before, i felt so extreme that i didnt' know if logic make sense or if emotions are correct. Crazy eh? Yeah. totally agree. both are pulling me hard on each extreme, i feel like a rope in the game of tug-of-war. it is just a matter of time before i snap. When will emotions and logic start becoming friends and not rivals. damn.
