It is bloodie cold here and i mean it.
The current temperature is like -3 degrees, but apparently i still dun see snow.
Tag replies:
Ching: Heart you guys many many times??!??! LOL! You must be damn tired lah. Anyway. Suzhou is awesome. For the first time, i know how it feels to be like a girl, shopping away, trying to get the best deal, buying down an entire store. HAHA. Things there are really cheap. And shopping becomes a joy.
Dennis: Nah. I didn't forget you. Really. You're in my team for one of those zone outing right? haha. still remember lah. Anyway. nice blog.=D
aaalene: My gosh. Why does everyone thinks that i've forgotten them huh? I also go remember you lah. I also got u in frenster also wad. LOL. I got elephant memory hor. very good one okay. LOL.
---Tags end here---
Post begins here.
Back at the airport, got there like half an hour late. Mr Charlie Ng wasn't please man. haha. but yeah. got there and manage to catch my plane still. After checking in, still had time to go enjoy a coffee with a few other frens.
Took a few pictures in T3 together before we left for the plane.
Awesomeness...Suzhou chef should come down to singapore man. Good to eat, nice to lick, plenty of rice and awesome to pay!! Everyday, whenever we have time , we'll be eating restaurants food cause it is just so cheap there. One typical meal with lots of dishes can cause only like S$4-5 only. And i'm talking of an entire table filled with food and with more to come. (btw, rice free one).
On the 2nd day, we're travelling again, but this time to the places of interest and all the historical site. Starting of with some rich magistrate house whose garden is like woah.
And still..more to come. Dun get lost yet, this is still the magistrate garden. it is really damn big.
Oh up is this very interesting tree we found in the garden, the bark of the tree is empty but the outter shell is still there, the tree is still alive apparently.
Up with even more random stuff.
This is a mandrine duck, also known as a "Yuan Yang".
Next up, group 1 Family Portriat.
Below is actually a drinking well.
Pretty cool, kinda got my butt stuck upon the well.
And more random pics to come with superb scenery
Nice right the jump shot? LOL
Okay. Next for some damn power photo shoot. woot. Eve and I.
Grace and Eve (Below)
Dinah and I (Below)
And more of us. =D
And some small little sceneries around.
Okay, that is the end of the Magistrate's home, damn big right, haha. yeah. Next few is some walk to the museum.
And finally we've reached the Suzhou museum.
Haha. Check out my punches man. Woot.!
More random pics. Gosh. i'm tired uploading.
Finally!! The end of the SuZhou Museum. It was boring. Next up, we went to tiger hill.
Going deeper in, i kinda found mother nature's ass-crack. LOL. For the pure and innocent, sry man. Come on and check out mama-nature ass!! woot!
More pics to go...
The monk and the two fairies. And the chinese kinda spelled fairies as faires, sad eh.
And more fun pics to go..
Finally we've reached the peak of the hill where the pagoda is. And so again, more stupid pics. Haha. it was a damn fun day man.
The surroundings of the pagoda.
More to come! Our group 1 family pics! Dinah is our adopted group 1 member. haha.
Pretty cute huh!?! The baby practicing kung fu!
Even more random pics...sheesh. it never ends eh.?
And finally..the end!!
Amazing huh?
So anyway. End of post. love you all.